Monday, May 10, 2004


Thank God! I pass my final exam. What a relief. Results were announced last Saturday. All my housemate pass except Zul. He failed Surgery and Medicine. This the mortality rate was really shocking! 17 students failed. about 20% failed in the UPM final examinations. this breaks the record in the faculty and in the country! UM mortality was 2%.

Today, went to met lecturers at faculty. met Prof Yunus, Prof Dev and Mr Kwan. They gave an advice how to become a life as a HO. life just begin man!

Friday, May 7, 2004


baru habis exam tadi. exam medicine. long case OK. dpt case COAD. examiner Prof Mustafa Embong dari IMU. discuss sampai management. short case not too good. 1st case was OK, case of mitral regurgitation. second case was bad. dpt case pleural effusion. dpt finding tapi presenting tak bagus. miss an obvious scar at left chest.

exam surgery not too bad. long case was ok. dpt prof yunus and prof james as my examiner. case discussed was familial adenoposis coli (FAP). short case was bad. 1st case dpt case parotid tumor (very huge one) associated with CN 7 palsy. 2nd case dpt case infected surgical wound over the medial right foot. it thought it was an ulcer, so describelah macam ulcer, tapi sebenarnya it was a surgicically created wound.

My ortho was bad. long case dapat AVN of the hip. gelabah sungguh! nasib baik dpt examiner yg OK. walau dah habis masa still discuss investigation dan management. short case SO-SO. 1st case was ganglion of the left dorsum. i got the diagnosis right but can't answer their super power question after that.

2nd case was PCL tear and medial collaterl ligament laxity. not to bad, dpt the findings tapi mistake buat McMurray's test.

nanti result viva utk besok nak keluar. viva utk distintion or extintion!

Can I pass?