Friday, September 25, 2009


I have 3 incidences to tell which needs some explanation...i can't explained my self why it has happened.


That was 2004, i was just posted to orthopaedic ward, Tawau Hospital. During oncall, i would like to wear a black/white stripe collar T shirt. I like this T -shirt very much, as it was given my father a year ago.
One night, I was wearing the same T-shirt.
That oncall night was free, not busy.
The next day, 1 of my nurse asked me what i'm doing at 12MN at the nurses counter.
I told her, last night i never come out from the oncall room. I was sleeping the whole night.


This is 2006. I was oncall and wearing a same T shirt again.
There was 1 man admitted at 6 pm. He has history of a fall from a tree.
He was unstable...and he needs urgent operation to stop the internal bleeding.
Without much delay i have to call anaesthetic doctor (doktor bius) to inform about this case..
The conversation as follows:

DrBOND: operator...tolong sambungkan ke Dr K segera..ada emergency, 1 patient perlu operate segera.

Operator: ok drbond...sambung ke Dr K kan..

DrBOND: ye..betul tu..sambung cepat tau..

Then,,,to my surprise, i was not connected to Dr K...instead I was connected to this man.

The Man: Ini DRBOND ka (how come he knows my name)???

DrBOND: yea, betul sapa ni??

The Man: Mr A...saya di bilik mayat..doktor nak hantar patient tu kat bilik mayat kerrr??

DrBOND: Tak..patient mana satu??

The man: patient yang jatuh dari pokok...tadi ada telefon cakap patient tu dah mati..


That patient not yet die.
I managed to call Dr K and we managed to push this patient to OT.
The internal bleeding was severe.
Exactly at 12 MN he died in OT due to massive blood loss.


This is 2007. I was managing this patient, Miss Y. She is a 30 year old chinese lady, with diagnosis of advanced intra-abdominal malignancy, ?from ovary. She is young, and she is not ready to die.

In a monday morning, she passed away. Next to her was an elderly malay lady.

I was oncall that day....and wearing the same T shirt again. I was busy..i was running to and fro in the ward till 12MN.

The next day...the elderly malay lady insist want to go back.

I didn't asked why.

A month later,,,my nurse told me.

The nurse: DrBOND,, tau ka kenapa makcik tu nak balik lepas Miss Y mati??

DrBOND: tak tau la..napa???

The nurse: Miss Y mati pagi kan...Kan DrBOND oncall hari tuee. Lepas je Maghrib,,makcik tu nampak Miss Y ikut jer DrBOND dari belakang,,pegang bahu sebelah kiri,,sambil tersengih-sengih. Miss Y ikut DrBOND kemana-mana..DrBOND tak rasa apa2 kerr.

DrBOND: errr...tak der la (i am shivering).


med_student said...

then u need to wear d t-shirt again at lis once a week tro its relation with those incident.....

incidence 3 is soooo cute.....

iqmedia said...

yea.. wear it again... hehehe... ee tacut...

drBOND said...

i rarely wear the t shirt again..except going to met my father..(that once a year).
just to make him happy.

Pearl said...

JOE... this is scary!
read the 3 Qul 3 times and Ayat-ul -Kursi

drBOND said...

thanx for the info