SJP means surgical junior posting. The third year of medical students from Sabah University attached to our department for 8 weeks to learn surgical diseases.
At the end of the posting, they have to take the SJP examination.
Recently, i've conducted the examination. This was the 4th examination conducted.
Time flies very fast, we already had 4 groups of medical students attached to our department.
Conducting a clinical examination is not that easy.
It's just like conducting a life this examination is using real patient.
Preparations started a month ahead. This is where we started selecting and collecting patients.
We have a patient's bank: this is a list of patients that were selected for the exams..and off course they already gave their consent to take part in the examination.
A night before the scheduled examination date was busy. I have to prepare the patients list, calling patients, arranging the patient's bed etc etc..
A night before the scheduled examination date was busy. I have to prepare the patients list, calling patients, arranging the patient's bed etc etc..
me preparing the patient's list..
printing the list.
After the list was completed, i will handed over the list to the chief examiner the next day.
In order to maintain confidentiality, the chief examiner only know the cases available 30 mins before the scheduled exams.
the chief examiner and his team
Once everything is ready, the exam started at 8.30am.
getting ready..
There were 2 parts of the examination: the LONG CASE and the SHORT CASE.
After the list was completed, i will handed over the list to the chief examiner the next day.
In order to maintain confidentiality, the chief examiner only know the cases available 30 mins before the scheduled exams.
Once everything is ready, the exam started at 8.30am.
There were 2 parts of the examination: the LONG CASE and the SHORT CASE.
The long case was held in the morning. Students were given 1 patient to clerk, do necessary physical examinations and proposed diagnosis/treatment. They were given an hour with the patient. After that, there were 20 mins of examination ie 10 mins to present the case and another 10 mins were for question and answers session.
the students waiting anxiously..
case presentation...this is Mr I
Show me how do you check patient's nails.
This is 50 year old lady, admitted with...
Show me how do you check her fingers..
Where is the patient's liver????
The examiners giving the marks.
The SHORT CASE was held in the afternoon. In this second part of the examination, students were given 2 patients each. Within 10 mins for each patient, they were required to take short history and performs physical examination. They must able to present the findings and make correct diagnosis within a short important skill needed during emergency situations.
The exams ended at 4.30pm. It was tiring but i'm glad everything went smooth.
the presentation....cakap kuat sikitla..susah mau dengar
the presentation (short case)...don't be nervous !, relax...
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