I'm back in Sandakan..after a short a week holiday..
thats holiday is just to rejuvenate my self..
this year is not going to be easy ..it was started with a bad day with very bad fever and cough..
(almost 2 weeks)..
i've to prepare for exams (second attempt) for master programme..now it's already february...another 8 months to go...
i've to take driving license test...
i've to take the most difficult IELTS (international english language testing system) exams
i really hate exams and tests.. but my mom told me life too is a test,,we have to do it..we have to go through it.
to make worse, loneliness strike me many times..never feels like this before..
at the same time i don't want to engage in any relationship yet..
i don't want to suffer again ..it was painful..
found this on the net...
the Perfect Surgery Trainer..
1. Never whines/ complains
2. Is never hungry, thirsty or tired
3. Is always enthusiastic
4. Is never late
5. Makes the intern/specialist/consultant good at all times
6. Knows more about his patients than anyone else
7. Loves operation theatres, never wants to leave the hospital
8. Is the first one to arrive at clinic and the last one to leave
9. Reads from a surgery text everyday
10. Is confident but not cocky
11. RUNS for materials, lab values, test results etc before rounds
12. Smiles a lot and has a good sense of humour
13. Always writes the op note without question
14. Loves to do op and can never get enough
And this is the best..
15. Has a steel bladder, a cast-iron stomach, and a heart of gold!
Am i a perfect surgery trainer???
i don't think so..