As mention earlier in my previous entry, i'm one of the presenter. I'm the only candidate from Sabah, and i'm representating Sandakan Hospital.
The session started at 2pm in the auditorium 2. The panel of judges were:
1. Dr Roslan Harun.
2. Dr Ahmad Kamal.
3. Dr Lee Fan Nee.
The judges..
They are the most respective clinical oncologists in the country. The session started with Dr Roslan, as the chairman of the judges, explaining about the regulations. We were given only 10mins to present our research and the other 5 mins was for questions and answer sessions. The audience were allowed to ask questions to the presenter. Being second last to present, give me an opportunity to do last minute rehearsal, and also give me an idea what are the pattern of questions that will be ask.
The session started at 2pm in the auditorium 2. The panel of judges were:
1. Dr Roslan Harun.
2. Dr Ahmad Kamal.
3. Dr Lee Fan Nee.
They are the most respective clinical oncologists in the country. The session started with Dr Roslan, as the chairman of the judges, explaining about the regulations. We were given only 10mins to present our research and the other 5 mins was for questions and answer sessions. The audience were allowed to ask questions to the presenter. Being second last to present, give me an opportunity to do last minute rehearsal, and also give me an idea what are the pattern of questions that will be ask.
The first presenter was Dr Lau Kah Liew, from University Malaya. His presentation was about chemotherapy for gastric cancer.
The second presenter was Dr Azrif, an oncologist from UKM. His presentation was about chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer.
The third presenter was Dr Jalal, an Egyptian currently working as a scientist in UKM. His presentation was about PACS01 (a type of chemotherapy ) in breast cancer.
The fourth presenter was Ms Lim Yeok Siew. She is a senior oncology pharmacist currently working in Kuala Lumpur Hospital. She presented about the cost effectiveness in managing lung cancer.
The fifth presenter was Dr Jabir, an Iraqis currently working as scientist in UPM. His presentation about the efficacy versus toxicity of Docetaxel, a type of chemotherapy drug.
The 6th presenter was Ms Tajunisah, an oncology pharmacist, currently working in Penang Hospital. Her presentation was about "adherence to guideline on the management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting". Her research works were quite extensive and it was excellent.
Thats complete the first part of free paper presentation. We were given 5 mins break. My bladder was full and i immediately rush to the toilet.
Exactly at 3.45pm, the second part of the sessions started. It was started by the 7th presenter, Prof Biswal. He is a senior nuclear physician from USM. His presentation was about thyroid cancer.
Then, the 8th presenter took place, Dr Fong, an oncologist in training. He is currently working in UM. His research was about brain cancer.
The 9th presenter was Ms Heng Siew Peng, a cute and petite medical physics from Pantai Hospital , Kuala Lumpur. Her presentation was about patient positioning during radiotherapy.
The 10th presenter was Dr Rozita, an oncologist in training from University Malaya. Her presentation was about cervical cancer.
Finally, it was my turn to do the presentation. The presentation starts with introducing my, place of working and designation. The presentation was smooth and i'm able to complete the presentation on time. I was so happy that i was able to answer most to the questions asked.
The free paper presentation/competition ended after the 12th presenter gave his presentation. He is Dr Tiong KS, a surgeon from UNIMAS, Sarawak. His presentation was about nasopharyngeal cancer.
The results..
The results were announced during the conference gala dinner. There were 3 winners for the best 3 free papers. Most of the presenters were nervous while waiting for the result..but not me.
I'm not aiming to win any prizes as i've mentions before, been selected to do presentations among country top researchers was a great achievement.
The results ..
The 3rd place goes to Dr Jalal, from UKM..
Then ..the 2nd place goes to Dr James Bond Malaya!!!!.. what a shock, I didn't expect to get any prize... I was smiling from ear to ear while receiving the prize.
And, as expected the 1st place goes to Ms Tajunisah, from Penang Hospital.. lets have a look at my prize..
Soalan: Apakah hadiah yang telah dimenangi oleh DrBond???
A. Box of chocolates.
B. A return ticket to Bangkok for 2 persons with Air Asia.
C. A holiday package for 5 days, to Perth, Australia, for 2 persons.
D. Ipod Touch, 8GB.
E. None of above.
Tahniah! Congratulations Dr JBM!
I've told u in previous post that something positive would happen to you...
The prize, i think u need to share it with Dr. "sh*t!"
tq tq tq..
tak sangka menang..
kena share kerr??
kalau hadiah tiket gi bangkok/ perth..tak kan kena share..
kenapa kalau hadiah tiket x leh share pulak.....
Kena lah share... Kang kena white coffins baru tau.
Susah2, share with me je lah... I got International Passport! ahaks...
How come a big box just came with air ticket. nonsense...
nak tau hadiah apa??
tunggu entry "the golden box"..
cannot be a ticket la.....must b 'somting' dat need 2 b kep in a box...
apala tu...ermmm
tapi kalu tiket p overc, bagi saya jak la....mesti dr pun xda masa kan nak melancong jauh2 ni....(i oso hv intrnationl pasport) hehehe
kalau tiket..sekarang juga buat passport..
pegi tu..
manala ntry d golden box ni x kuar2 lagi...........
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