Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bersama Puan Pengarah

It was usual busy Monday clinic. I was attending patient, then i received a surprised call from my Puan Pengarah.

Pengarah: Bond, come to my office now, i have something to tell you.
Me: ok, ok..

Straight away i went to her room.

Inside her room we have very ultra-short conversation.

Pengarah: Bond, please have a seat.
Me: thanx, why Pengarah want to see me?
Pengarah: ohh..i have good news. I decided to submit your name and the other senior doctor to the ministry. This is about promotion,,we are applying post for u48 (memangku).
Me: Ohh..what a surprised!! i felt honored.
Pengarah: You are very good doing your work.
Me: ermmm...is this because i won second place in national level last year??
Pengarah: sort off..

I was about to leave her room, then she continues talking.

Pengarah: BUT, before i submit your name, i want you to improve your EQ...
Me: what?? EQ??
Pengarah: Yes..EQ..meaning emotional quotitient.
I received complains from the nurses saying that you have very low EQ.
You hardly smiles, you hardly talk and you always grumpy.
Don't follow your boss. He is old. He can't be changed.
I think you can changed.. Boleh ka??

I wanted to end this conversation..this is my reply.

Me: i'll try my best.

I left her room with mixed feelings.

Puan Pengarah should tell the same to dr House and CSI miami boss.


Anonymous said...

low EQ people tends to isolate themselves, they don't want to socialize,
they have problems in relationship, thats explained why most of them are single.
Ironically, they tend to live longer.

iqmedia said...

Wow, tahniah Dr Bond! U are right about the mixed feelings.. But that's the way u received it from the Puan Pengarah.

How if, she tell u that u need to improve ur EQ first then give u very good news later? I think u'll left her rooms smiling...

Take it easy...

Pearl said...

Assalamu alaikum...
i remember u always smiling and talkative, have u changed that much?
congrats for the promo & 2nd place national level :)

kakimah said...
