Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Value of RM 1000

What is the value of RM 1000.?
If you asked that question to a poor family, they will said that amount of money is a lot. They can have dinner for at least 2 months.
If you asked that question to a rich family, they will said it's nothing. They can spend it in less than a minutes.

But if you asked me the same question...this is my answer..

It's precious. With that money, i will having my eldest brother till today.

It was the end of October 2004. I've already worked as a houseofficer in Tawau Hospital almost 3 months. That day was a payday. I've received my salary for 3 months in a lump sum. It's almost RM10, 000.
That was my first time having this huge amount of money.

At the same time, i received a news from my mum saying that my eldest brother business is not good. He has a small shop in a local university selling crafts. For almost 5 years, the business was ok. With that business, he able to support his family, till one day, his shop was robbed. To make worse, he has no back up including insurance coverage. From that day, his life was miserable.

I received a SMS from by brother..

Brother: Bond..bole pinjam RM 1000.? Abang dapat business kontraktor buat jalan kat Kedah. Nak pakai modal. Nanti dah dapat duit, bagi balik la. Agak-agak boleh dapat duit sampai RM10, 000.

Me: ermm.....tak de duit la..belum gaji..ni belanja pun mintak kat ayah.. (B*bi sangat kan!!!!).

Brother: okay la..sorry kacau.

After 2 months, then we received a call from my sister in law. My brother has left home.
Apparently, my brother has borrowed a money from a loan shark. He just borrowed only RM 1000. He already paid the debt with an interest almost RM 5000. But, the loan shark still asking for more money as the interest balance was another RM 8, 000.

My mum asked me to help my brother. I have no money left. That RM 10, 000 was spent in just a month. I've no choice to make personal loan from local bank.
It was approved in a week and i'm able to pay the debt.

Despite that, my brother still missing. We had received a few SMS from unknown person asking where is my brother and asking for more money.

We lodged a police report early 2005 but till today he is no where to be found. We heard rumor he was in Bangkok, Thailand doing ordinary work.

I wish there is time machine where i can traveled back to the past and give my brother RM1000.


kakbedah said...

B*bi sangat..

setuju sangat!!!!!

iqmedia said...

Hmm masing-masing ada penjelasan tersendiri.

Mungkin ada hikmahnya dan pastinya iktibar yang kita cari.

Tawakal la kepada Tuhan... InsyaAllah, pasti berjumpa lagi. Yang lepas tak guna dikenang. Tak perlu la kita cakap yang buruk2, manalah tau terkena kat diri sendiri. Muhasabah la diri.

drBOND said...

nice comments..

miss him a lot....

kakimah said...

pasal abang mie kan..

pernah dengar cerita dia ..satu kampung tau..

joe perasan tak abg mie dan mr iqmedia ada iras2 sikit..

dua2 kurus dan tinggi dan hensem!!

drBOND said...


ada la iras sipi-sipi..

joe anggap macam abang sendiri..

kalau bole nak jumpa hari-hari..

iqmedia said...


susah nak jumpa hari2... komitmen keje... lagipun ko jugek yg susah nak kuar... kena standby la, oncall la... orang nak bwk jalan2 mengenali Sandakan pun susah... kite baru 3 tahun kat sini dah pening kepala tak tau nak gi mana lagi... semua dah kira abis jalan...

bedahmatahari said...

kalau hang pompuan, bole buat laki..

kakimah said...

jangan tercouple sudah..bahaya tu..

bedah..hang ambil la buat laki..

hang kan wanita "tulen"

he he he ..

jangan marah.

(aku tak leh..aku dah berlaki)..

drBOND said...

kak imah / kak bedah..

tulis komens biar berlapik..

ni blog awam..

nanti joe terpaksa delete mana komens yang tak sesuai.

kakbedah said...

sorry joe..

iqmedia said...

Ala.. kak imah dah berlaki ker? baru nak try usha...

Opss... sori. lupa blog awam...

drBOND said...
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kakbedah said...
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